Discussioni utente:RolandUnger
Aggiungi argomentoCiao Unger, Benvenuto nel Wikivoyage Italiano. --(WV-it) Airin 18:45, 10 ott 2007 (CEST)
- Thank you. --Roland 19:23, 10 ott 2007 (CEST)
Ok, danke sehr. Dass ist etwas neues fur uns, und leider geht es nicht in automatisch ;-) --(WV-it) Airin 19:04, 11 ott 2007 (CEST)
[modifica]Couldn't find "Mediawiki edittols". Can you help? I'd like to add some Special Characters. I didn't enable Java scripts Utente:Gobbler.
- The edit tools are a little bit difficult to understand. It consists of severeal files:
- de:MediaWiki:Copyrightwarning contains the characters. W# used Copyrightwarning instead of de:MediaWiki:Edittools because this is written directly below the edit window
- de:MediaWiki:Edittools.js contains the JavaScript to change the lists.
- In de:MediaWiki:Monobook.js it is necessary to add some lines to activate Edittools.js.
- I can help to implement it. --Roland 19:04, 12 ott 2007 (CEST)
- Done. It seems to work properly - Utente:Gobbler
- Now it works. Your version in MediaWiki:Edittols cannot work because of a spelling error. Edittols -> Edittools.
- Only a few changes are necessary: We must sort it all for the Italian alphabet, we should change the letters in Standard to the Italian ones, and we should translate Skandinavisch to Italian. --Roland 20:37, 12 ott 2007 (CEST)
- Now both systems are working. --Roland 21:06, 12 ott 2007 (CEST)
- Thanks a lot, You are simply... great. - Gobbler 21:12, 12 ott 2007 (CEST)
- Now both systems are working. --Roland 21:06, 12 ott 2007 (CEST)
Please, check Irlanda
Please write if you know problems. So it's easier to check. --Roland 19:19, 12 ott 2007 (CEST)
- Sorry, I faced some problems by inserting the template Regions in an attempt to conform the page to the German article. I changed opinion (template is hidden now) and turned the article to its early version. User:Gobbler
[modifica]May we use Category for Guide-articles to? So we used to work in WT/it
- Category = Categoria
- Categories = Categorie
- Why not? If you like you can do it. You can use Breadcrumb trails also for Categories, but you should use IsInCat instead of IsIn. --Roland 20:45, 12 ott 2007 (CEST)
[modifica]Es ist "Lista delle lingue Babel". Aber wie ubersetzt du dass auf English? --(WV-it) Airin 20:47, 12 ott 2007 (CEST)
Ok, "Lista delle lingue Babel". --(WV-it) Airin 20:51, 12 ott 2007 (CEST)
Ich habe schon gesehen. Viele danke. --(WV-it) Airin 21:06, 12 ott 2007 (CEST)
Ich habe nur eine Frage noch fur Babel. Ich wollte ein bischen die Tabelle wechseln. Ich habe probiert in Template:Lista delle lingue Babel erste zwei code wechselm um etwas wie diese Tabelle Wikivoyage:Babel haben. Wie kannst du sehen wenn du zu "italiano" gehen, die erste zwei hat das farben Template. Aber ist niche wie ich wollte machen. Iche wollte hier die richtige template haben (wie diese Template:User_it). Ich habe alle Sprache cataloghiert, aber nicht it, it-1, it-2 und so weiter, aber alle Benutzer das italienisch sprachen. So hier Categoria:Lingue kannst du eine liste findem, um alle Sprache, und im jede Sprache gibt es eine Liste vom alle Benutzer die diese Sprache sprechen. Ich hoffe dass kannst du meine Problem verstehen. Kannst du mir helfen um diese Idee zu verbessern? Wenn es nicht moglich sind, lasse ich alles wie vorher war. Danke im voraus. --(WV-it) Airin 23:15, 12 ott 2007 (CEST)
- Ich würde die Vorlagen wie Template:User_it nicht in die Tabelle einsetzen, weil die Datei damit sehr groß wird und viel Zeit zum Laden braucht. Deswegen sollte die Tabelle so klein wie möglich werden. Ich habe am Beispiel der Muttersprache das Einfügen des Templates demonstriert.
- Wir haben auf dem deutschen Wikivoyage auch eine Benutzerliste de:Kategorie:Benutzer nach Sprachen. Dort haben wir auch die Templates eingebaut. Vielleicht gefällt dir das? --Roland 09:23, 13 ott 2007 (CEST)
Ciao Roland, ok fur die Tabelle kein Problem. Auch ich habe diese Benutzerliste Categoria:Lingue gemachte, aber hier habe eiene direkte Liste um alle Benutzer die diese Sprache sprechen (nicht eine sub-liste). Es ist ein bischen praktisch fur uns. Konnen wir dass lassen? --(WV-it) Airin 12:22, 13 ott 2007 (CEST)
- Ich würde die Vorlagen wie Template:User_it nicht in die Tabelle einsetzen, weil die Datei damit sehr groß wird und viel Zeit zum Laden braucht. Deswegen sollte die Tabelle so klein wie möglich werden. Ich habe am Beispiel der Muttersprache das Einfügen des Templates demonstriert.
- Wir haben auf dem deutschen Wikivoyage auch eine Benutzerliste de:Kategorie:Benutzer nach Sprachen. Dort haben wir auch die Templates eingebaut. Vielleicht gefällt dir das? --Roland 09:23, 13 ott 2007 (CEST)
- Man sollte in die Vorlagen wie Template:User de keine weiteren Kategorien wie [[Categoria:Tedesco]] hineinschreiben, weil alles dann mehrfach auftritt und dies das ganze System durcheinander bringt. Man kann aber alle Userkategorien wie User de, User de-0, ... in eine Kategorie Tedesco hineinpacken. Ich habe dies am Beispiel Deutsch vorgenommen. Diese Aufteilung ist identisch mit Shared und Wikipedia. Leider konnte ich das nicht schon selbst machen, weil ich kein Italienisch beherrsche. --Roland 12:32, 13 ott 2007 (CEST)
- Ok, ich verstehe. Wenn du hast etwas anderes zu machen, lass alles wie es ist. Dass kann ich machen, ich habe verstanden wie es funzionirt... leider habe ich Gestern alle wechseln, so jetzt ist meine arbeite um alles zu reparieren ;-)--(WV-it) Airin 12:41, 13 ott 2007 (CEST)
- Roland, ich und Gobbler wollen dir sagen "Viele, viele danke fur deine Hilfe!". So konnen wir viel neues lerner, und ohne dir und Hans wir konnen nicht eine so grosse Portal machen. --(WV-it) Airin 12:48, 13 ott 2007 (CEST)
- In normale Weise sagen wir nicht Svizzero tedesco, aber nutzer wir nur Tedesco. In der Schweiz gibt es auch Schweizeritalienisch aber wir sagen das ist italienisch... Ich denke dass fur uns gibt es nicht so grose Unterschiede. --(WV-it) Airin 16:26, 13 ott 2007 (CEST)
I'd like Template in Chiang Mai (provincia) article could work properly. Please help when you have time Gobbler 17:07, 13 ott 2007 (CEST)
- Now it works properly. --Roland 14:48, 15 ott 2007 (CEST)
[modifica]Ciao Roland, spaeter wurde noch einmal Gobbler kontroliert mein Text, aber ich denke dass ist ok. --(WV-it) Airin 18:54, 15 ott 2007 (CEST)
[modifica]Ciao Roland. Ich habe zwei Fragen. Auf Shared gibt es ein Limit fur bilder von 400kb. So ist ok dass ich nict die beste Version upload aber eine Mitte-Versioni? Die Kategorien: wenn habe ich nur ein Bild vom X Stadt, muss ich eine neue Kategorie machen, oder lass ich im Kategorie vom Bildes Nation? Danke --(WV-it) Airin 12:41, 17 ott 2007 (CEST)
- Auf shared ist das Limit 2 MB. Evtl. war es nur eine Warnung, dass das Bild nicht mehr ganz klein ist. Probier es einfoch nochmal.
- Es ist sinnvoll, gleich von Anfang an jedem Bild eine möglichst passende Kategorie zu geben, meist Stadt X. Damit sollen die Kategorien, insbesondere die Länderkategorien, überschaubarer bleiben, auch wenn man vorerst nur ein Bild hat. Bei Ländern mit vielen Zielen haben wir bereits Kategorien für Regionen angelegt, z.B. shared:Category:Italy. Die Unterteilung muss aber nicht so fein sein, wie im Reiseführer. Zum anderen ist es später einfacher, Bilder zuzuordnen, auch wenn sie keine genaue Beschreibung haben. --Roland 15:32, 17 ott 2007 (CEST)
[modifica]Thank you for Calendar extensions download. I'm planning to use it for a Calendar of Events in the next week (or months). You know, we are currently busiest with data base clean up. Would you like to take a look at ours categories?. Please check there
- I will take a look. I think it's correct. If I see problems I will inform you. Your are doing a great work. --Roland 19:02, 22 ott 2007 (CEST)
[modifica]Ja, ich denke dass ist besser, so wir mehr Zeit haben um alle gut machen. Wenn brauchst du noch etwas zu übersetzen sag mir. --(WV-it) Airin 18:08, 23 ott 2007 (CEST)
Ah, ok. Dass habe ich nie gesehen. Danke. --(WV-it) Airin 17:56, 26 ott 2007 (CEST)
[modifica]- Thema = tematica, pl. tematiche
- Wahl = elezione, pl. elezioni (bedeutet nominations, ok?) -- ja
- News = notizie
- Please replace "Index Reiseführer" with "Indice guide turistiche".
- I changed the entries. After 24 hours all cached articles have the new "Indice guide turistiche". --Roland 18:38, 21 nov 2007 (CET)
- Let me use any e-mail address such gobbler@wikivoyage.org
- This is the task for Hansm. He will do it for you. --Roland 18:38, 21 nov 2007 (CET)
Thanks Gobbler 16:20, 21 nov 2007 (CET)
Thanks for your translation. I will change the script in the next days. --Roland 18:38, 21 nov 2007 (CET)
[modifica]Ciao Roland, in die Seiten die sind vom WT importieren, gibt es ein problem. Dort ist bearbeiten und nicht modifica, wie im Germania oder Italia. --(WV-it) Airin 18:20, 24 nov 2007 (CET)
Ist es möglich um Seite nur die Benutzern auf italienische Version lassen? --(WV-it) Airin 20:58, 24 nov 2007 (CET)
- Bei mir steht bei Germania und Italia modifica, wenn ich meine Einstellungen auf "italiano" stelle. Habe ich das Problem falsch verstanden?
- Speciale:Utenti zeigt immer alle Benutzer des Projekts an. Das ist der Preis, den wir für das Single-Signon zahlen.
- Na, jezt ist ok. Danke. --(WV-it) Airin 21:54, 24 nov 2007 (CET)
[modifica]Thank you for your acknowledgements. At moment I'm busy with Greek Islands. We will get some interesting articles about (so I think) Gobbler 16:32, 25 apr 2008 (CEST).
Espulsione con motivazioni e toni offensivi
[modifica]Salve, ho letto che per contestare un'espulsione ci si può rivolgere ad un amministratore. Ma siccome sono stato espulso del tutto e per sempre non posso farlo col mio IP, assurdo no? Sono stato escluso per aver detto "gnamo" (=andiamo) nella pagina "Discussione Frasario_croato" e aver contraddetto (con ragione) due utenti. Vorrei sapere: - Ha visto il modo pazzesco con cui sono stato escluso? - La mia esclusione è stata regolarmente votata? - Può un "amministratore-burocrate" di un wiki usare questi modi? Spero di no (nessuna delle 3)
Cordiali saluti
PS: Suggerisco che venga in futuro creata - per trasparenza - una pagina in cui vengono apertamente discusse le questioni disciplinari, anche riservata ai soli amministratori ma leggibile da tutti, in modo che si possa controllarne l'operato e la correttezza in piena visibilità.
- Salve,, Stipy, and Gobbler,
- In the last months there were only few activities at it: (no admins) and a lot of spam. So it was an additional task for me and other Germans to reset them. To prevent spam and damages at it:, we disabled the opportunity of edits by IPs. This must be done in a special file (LocalSettings.php) at the server, and therefore it is not possible to do it by Wiki admins. But we have changed the group permission to the normal mode some days ago.
- The «Discussione:Frasario croato» was set to secure mode on August 23, 2008 by Gobbler. So it is not possible to edit it by IPs, too. The setting to the normal mode is possible by any Wiki admin. The normal cause for this restriction is massive spamming by unknown IPs. Please ask Gobbler for it.
- Cordiali saluti -- Roland 07:57, 28 ago 2008 (CEST)
Southwest Asia
[modifica]A such subdivision is not in use in Italian Geography and it sounds a little bit odd. I checked the article in it/WP. There's no mention "to Asia del sud-ovest".
"Caucaso", "Transcaucasia", Ciscaucasia, Medio Oriente, Vicino Oriente are widely used terms. Anyway if you think it is a good idea I'll create an article later Gobbler 13:28, 24 set 2008 (CEST)
- Upon your request, I just started the new article Asia del sud-ovest. Maybe Airin is abroad. I need her help after coming back. Anyway take a sightGobbler 19:03, 25 set 2008 (CEST)
- Something goes wrong! Template:IsIn & Template:IsInCat are not working properly. Check Qatar for an instance, or any country of "Medio Oriente". Thanks Gobbler 20:12, 25 set 2008 (CEST)
- Please help me with shared:category:Iran. Check my last edits there. In addition I created some Iranian Provinces categories like this one. Right? Wrong? I don't know exactly what to do. Thanks again Gobbler 20:16, 25 set 2008 (CEST)
Template Quickbar City
[modifica]Again I need your help and your opinion about the Quickbar City Template. I like it, very. Before using it I would like reduce its length at 250px. Check Punta Gorda article for instance. Waiting for for yours suggestions about. Gobbler 18:20, 29 set 2008 (CEST)
- Any alternate image to RedDot?
- If you need a maximum height of images, so you must change the syntax (note: the width 100px ist wrong, but the correct width of 75px ist used, nice?):
[[Image:Dresden Frauenkirche wv.jpg|100x100px|Beschreibung]]
gives. In case of Map of Belize Demis.png you must calculate a new image with the height of 250 px. It's easier than re-writing the template. Or you can use de:Vorlage:Lagekarte instead of Template:PositionMap general.
- If you need a maximum height of images, so you must change the syntax (note: the width 100px ist wrong, but the correct width of 75px ist used, nice?):
- Alternate image Immagine:Reddot.svg, if you like:
. You can also find crosses at Wikipedia (see also wikipedia:de:Vorlage:Lageplan).
- Alternate image Immagine:Reddot.svg, if you like:
- By the way: for experimental use, we use de:Vorlage:Lagekarte for position maps. Until now we use it only in a few cases, because it is not easy to have correct and nice maps. This template uses both height and width and calculates the scaling factor. We hope to have better maps in future without showing squared projection (some maps do not look good with this projection). On the other hand it is to much work to generate all maps manually. --Roland 18:46, 29 set 2008 (CEST)
- Thank you for your suggestions. I appreciate your kindness Gobbler 22:37, 29 set 2008 (CEST)
- I got confused. I would like insert templates in German and Belize Cyties articles only. In my opinion we have to delete all those templates that I imported from WT and re-write them. But it's not an easy task for me. Please, do it instead of me. It's not necessary to use Italian titles or text explanations. You can translate them from Deutsch directly in English. I wasted lot of my time I'm sure that's a matter of few minutes for you. Gobbler 12:05, 30 set 2008 (CEST)
- I will do it for you... --Roland 12:39, 30 set 2008 (CEST)
- Thank you for your undestanding. You know, I'm busy doing stuff for new articles and I have no time for tech matters. Airin is away. Gobbler 12:47, 30 set 2008 (CEST)
- Can you please replace Germany map modern with Germany-states? Sorry for harassing you again. Gobbler 14:52, 30 set 2008 (CEST)
- Check please this It seems to be working Gobbler 16:19, 30 set 2008 (CEST)
- I changed only the mapHeight to the correct value. It works. If you like you can translate phrases like "Position map of India" into Italian. You will find all maps in Categoria:Templates:Maps. – Roland 16:28, 30 set 2008 (CEST)
- Sure, I'll do it right now. Check Herat. Something goes wrong. Thanks Gobbler 16:31, 30 set 2008 (CEST)
- Can you check to border (top, bottom) positions of the map? Maybe there are not correct. --Roland 16:40, 30 set 2008 (CEST) I used the coordinates given at commons. Now it seems to be correct. --Roland 16:45, 30 set 2008 (CEST)
- Thanks a lot! I have no words! Gobbler 16:48, 30 set 2008 (CEST)
- I'll be grateful for finding a good Iran locator map around the net Gobbler 18:41, 30 set 2008 (CEST)
- Found... Template:PositionMap/ir
- Check please Edirne. I'm unable to fix the problem Gobbler 19:32, 30 set 2008 (CEST)
- You must enter the country code in the Template:SimplePositionMap. --Roland 19:38, 30 set 2008 (CEST)
- Sorry, Sei fantastico. A domani. Ciao! :-) Gobbler 19:40, 30 set 2008 (CEST)
- You must enter the country code in the Template:SimplePositionMap. --Roland 19:38, 30 set 2008 (CEST)
[modifica]I can not put more pictures into categories as was once.Gobbler 13:28, 3 ott 2008 (CEST). I
- this image does not appear.
Something Odd
[modifica]Something strange has happened. Please check (WV-it) this text Gobbler 17:46, 3 ott 2008 (CEST)
- I created an entry "Classifica" in QuickbarCity Template related with Category. You can see this entry in Yarra Valley article. Classifica:Turismo enologico. Category:Turismo enologico is OK. Isn't?
- I will see. But now I have only a slow internet connection. --Roland 10:11, 4 ott 2008 (CEST)
[modifica]Please, help with this template. It's important Gobbler 17:53, 5 ott 2008 (CEST)
[modifica]Check please, and fix problems with "Un mese nel Sud-est asiatico" and related articles (Wikivoyage:Template per articolo inerente ad un itinerario & "Itinerario template". I left english text for better understanding. Even these are very important for the development of our project Gobbler 20:42, 5 ott 2008 (CEST)
- "Un mese nel Sud-est asiatico" = "de:Thema:Ein Monat Südostasien" = theses are the same.
- Excuse me, I moved my house, and the Internet is not working yet. So I have only my slow modem connection. I will answer your question after some days. --Roland 20:06, 6 ott 2008 (CEST)
- I will have a look in the next days. But one thing now: Don't wonder, all articles at de: which are no destination descriptions are in the name-space "Thema" (Tematica). --Roland 20:13, 6 ott 2008 (CEST)
- Sorry, I'm not in hurry. When back, check this template. I did my best but can't set properly length and width. Gobbler 22:54, 8 ott 2008 (CEST)
[modifica]I understood the matter few minutes after posting my message. As you can see, I deleted my message from tech. Sorry for the inconvenience. Gobbler 17:40, 10 ott 2008 (CEST)
Google Rank
[modifica]Tell me why this site http://www.colonialvoyage.com/asia/it/kirghizistan/index.html appears first on Italian Google Rank. Where's the secret? What has this site that we have not? Gobbler 16:24, 17 ott 2008 (CEST)
- I have not so much ideas. But it takes some time (several months) to be scanned and classified at Google. Yahoo is faster. Maybe the main cause is that this webpage is older (created in 2005). Now we must work on our publicity (for instance increasing alexa ratings and more entries in social bookmark services). In the last time I underestimated the importance of our shared repository and the interwiki-links but in these fields I think we had some advantage.
- Another thing are often used words like kirghizistan for which it is not easy to make a good sort sequence. Unfortunately no search engine is able to analyze the quality of content. --Roland 10:05, 19 ott 2008 (CEST)
Mediawiki sitenotice
[modifica]Main Page
[modifica]Main Page it's OK. Thanks again Gobbler 08:13, 20 mag 2010 (CEST)
Text Licence
[modifica]The corresponding English text ist "Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike 3.0 licence. For licenses and authors of images, see the corresponding image description pages. See Terms of use for details.
- Traduzione italiana
I testi sono rilasciati secondo i termini della Licenza Creative Commons/Condividi allo stesso modo versione 3.0. Per licenze inerenti le immagini e i loro autori consulta le pagine di descrizione di ciascuna immagine. Per ulteriori dettagli vedi la sezione "condizioni d'uso".
Gobbler 15:09, 18 lug 2010 (CEST)
- Thanks. --Roland 16:38, 18 lug 2010 (CEST)
Please do not change hierarchy
[modifica]I apologize for the problem that I caused. Be shure that I'll alert you before making any change in the hierarchy. Your suggestions are correct. In the next days I'll make the division of Netherlands as WT did.
Sorry again for the inconvenience.
Thank for alerting me. Problem has been fixed or so I think. Anyway take a glance at it.
[modifica]Template copyvio doesn't work. Please see Caorle.
Gobbler 21:20, 9 dic 2011 (CET)
- Now it is Working. The template was emptied by an anonymous author. --Roland 08:31, 10 dic 2011 (CET)
[modifica]please can you add this on Common.css?
.page-Wikivoyage_Lounge.action-view .firstHeading, { display: none; } 07:31, 17 nov 2012 (UTC)
- Done. --Roland (discussioni) 07:44, 17 nov 2012 (UTC)
Initial phases
[modifica]I spoke with Gobbler about some changes into it.wikivoyage and told me to speak to you. Please you should make any changes / additions that I wrote in the pages contained in Utente:Raoli/Initial phases. In phase 1 you should add those gadgets for it.wikivoyage moving pages from my namespace to the Mediawiki namespace. In phase 2 you should create two reports in buzilla for Wikilove and PostEdit extension; you should create three pages for mainpage Podt; you should add some row of code to Mediawiki:Common.js and Mediawiki:Common.css. In phase 3 you should create the localized version of descriptions for the gadgets and you should create the fallback for other main languages for {{LangSwitch}}. In phase 4 you should add others row of code to Mediawiki:Common.js and Mediawiki:Common.css, Mediawiki:Vector.js and Mediawiki:Monobook.js. Thank you. Raoli (discussioni) 01:33, 17 dic 2012 (CET)
Revision mediawiki obsolete
[modifica]I noticed that the code in the Mediawiki:Common.css has become obsolete. For this reason I ask you to delete some parts of the code. Raoli (discussioni) 02:13, 17 dic 2012 (CET)
- Most of the code is not obsolete, it is necessary for the corporate design. But I will check it.
Lot to do
[modifica]As an admin in several language branches I have a lot to do. Some times I do not know what to do first. But I will help. One of my main tasks is to re-establish the location maps as I had done for the German branch. But I will translate all to English.
If you need help please contact me on my German user page. --Roland (discussioni) 18:10, 17 dic 2012 (CET)
- Ok, I'm studying the version of "position-map" to solve the problem. I'll take care. If I will find difficulty I'll contact you. thanks Raoli (discussioni) 18:41, 17 dic 2012 (CET)
Phase 1 done
[modifica]But it seems that there are some mistakes. --Roland (discussioni) 18:55, 17 dic 2012 (CET)
- Go ahead. There are no mistakes. Trust me. Raoli (discussioni) 02:40, 18 dic 2012 (CET)
- Please do these three moving: Utente:Raoli/Phase 1. Raoli (discussioni) 03:44, 18 dic 2012 (CET)
Location maps
[modifica]You can learn about the location map from here and here. Below category letter 0 you will find the codes, the other ones are the country and region map data. Normally it should work at once. But the strings in the map data must be translated into Italian. I used English parameters to use it on several wikis. It is not a big problem to upload the complete package. I can also help to adapt the QuickbarCity template to use the maps. DerFussi already entered all data needed to this template. --Roland (discussioni) 18:55, 17 dic 2012 (CET)
- Yes, but this system is old and you could use that of wikipedia that is translated into many languages and allows a better view. Read in your language de:w:Wikipedia:WikiProjekt Georeferenzierung/Hauptseite/Wikipedia-World or in english this. I make some screenshot:
- if you click on the globe
- if you click on the "Karte"
- if you click on the Koordinaten
Happy New Year!
[modifica]Thank you, happy new year to you too. You thank me, but I have to thank you for all you have done on Wikivoyage so far. It isn't easy to manage two wiki at the same time and is not for everybody do so in a language other than that spoken. Raoli (discussioni) 21:23, 1 gen 2013 (CET)
- Thanks for the greetings. The last weeks were filled with a lot of work. --Roland (discussioni) 11:01, 7 apr 2013 (CEST)
An important message about renaming users
[modifica]Dear RolandUnger, My aplogies for writing in English. Please translate or have this translated for you if it will help. I am cross-posting this message to many places to make sure everyone who is a Wikimedia Foundation project bureaucrat receives a copy. If you are a bureaucrat on more than one wiki, you will receive this message on each wiki where you are a bureaucrat.
As you may have seen, work to perform the Wikimedia cluster-wide single-user login finalisation (SUL finalisation) is taking place. This may potentially effect your work as a local bureaucrat, so please read this message carefully.
Why is this happening? As currently stated at the global rename policy, a global account is a name linked to a single user across all Wikimedia wikis, with local accounts unified into a global collection. Previously, the only way to rename a unified user was to individually rename every local account. This was an extremely difficult and time-consuming task, both for stewards and for the users who had to initiate discussions with local bureaucrats (who perform local renames to date) on every wiki with available bureaucrats. The process took a very long time, since it's difficult to coordinate crosswiki renames among the projects and bureaucrats involved in individual projects.
The SUL finalisation will be taking place in stages, and one of the first stages will be to turn off Special:RenameUser locally. This needs to be done as soon as possible, on advice and input from Stewards and engineers for the project, so that no more accounts that are unified globally are broken by a local rename to usurp the global account name. Once this is done, the process of global name unification can begin. The date that has been chosen to turn off local renaming and shift over to entirely global renaming is 15 September 2014, or three weeks time from now. In place of local renames is a new tool, hosted on Meta, that allows for global renames on all wikis where the name is not registered will be deployed.
Your help is greatly needed during this process and going forward in the future if, as a bureaucrat, renaming users is something that you do or have an interest in participating in. The Wikimedia Stewards have set up, and are in charge of, a new community usergroup on Meta in order to share knowledge and work together on renaming accounts globally, called Global renamers. Stewards are in the process of creating documentation to help global renamers to get used to and learn more about global accounts and tools and Meta in general as well as the application format. As transparency is a valuable thing in our movement, the Stewards would like to have at least a brief public application period. If you are an experienced renamer as a local bureaucrat, the process of becoming a part of this group could take as little as 24 hours to complete. You, as a bureaucrat, should be able to apply for the global renamer right on Meta by the requests for global permissions page on 1 September, a week from now.
In the meantime please update your local page where users request renames to reflect this move to global renaming, and if there is a rename request and the user has edited more than one wiki with the name, please send them to the request page for a global rename.
Stewards greatly appreciate the trust local communities have in you and want to make this transition as easy as possible so that the two groups can start working together to ensure everyone has a unique login identity across Wikimedia projects. Completing this project will allow for long-desired universal tools like a global watchlist, global notifications and many, many more features to make work easier.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns about the SUL finalisation, read over the Help:Unified login page on Meta and leave a note on the talk page there, or on the talk page for global renamers. You can also contact me on my talk page on meta if you would like. I'm working as a bridge between Wikimedia Foundation Engineering and Product Development, Wikimedia Stewards, and you to assure that SUL finalisation goes as smoothly as possible; this is a community-driven process and I encourage you to work with the Stewards for our communities.
Thank you for your time. -- Keegan (WMF) talk 20:24, 25 ago 2014 (CEST)
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Looking a way to optimize it:voy performance I've reviewed the page in the subject and I have the following doubts:
- mw:Extension:Insider: it's not clear to me its use. Could you advice?
- mw:Extension:Listings: if I'm not wrong it's not used anymore. Can it be uninstalled from any language version?
- mw:Extension:TocTree: it's not clear to me its use. Could you advice?
I hope you'll have some spare time to let me know. Thanks, --Andyrom75 (discussioni) 08:32, 19 mag 2020 (CEST)
- Insider is not working any longer. It was to add insiders/docents at the sidebar.
- I think no Wiki is using Listings any longer. We already removed this from German Wikivoyage.
- TocTree is used to collaps the table of contents.
How we will see unregistered users
Ti è arrivato questo messaggio perché hai i diritti di amministratore su un wiki di Wikimedia.
Quando qualcuno modifica un wiki di Wikimedia senza effettuare prima l'accesso, il suo indirizzo IP diventa visibile pubblicamente. Come forse già sai, presto ciò non sarà più così. Il dipartimento legale di Wikimedia Foundation ha preso questa decisione alla luce del fatto che le normative sulla privacy online sono ormai cambiate.
Un'identità mascherata sarà mostrata al posto degli IP, ma gli amministratori avranno ancora accesso a questa informazione. Sarà anche introdotto un nuovo diritto utente per gli utenti non amministratori che hanno bisogno di conoscere gli IP degli anonimi per combattere il vandalismo, le molestie e lo spam. Senza questo diritto, i patroller potranno comunque visualizzare un segmento dell'IP. Altri nuovi strumenti sono in fase di progettazione per ridurre l'impatto di questo cambiamento.
Se la notizia ti è nuova, puoi leggere maggiori informazioni su Meta. Esiste anche un bollettino tecnico settimanale a cui è possibile iscriversi per non perdere nessuna novità sui cambiamenti tecnici dei wiki di Wikimedia.
Quanto al come saranno implementate le identità mascherate, sono state avanzate due proposte. Gradiremmo un tuo commento sulla proposta che ritieni migliore per te e per il tuo wiki. Scrivi pure il commento nella lingua che preferisci sulla pagina di discussione. Le proposte sono state pubblicate a ottobre e la migliore sarà scelta dopo il 17 gennaio.
Grazie. /Johan (WMF)
19:17, 4 gen 2022 (CET)