Discussioni utente:Inkey
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[modifica]Ciao Inkey!
Benvenuta/o su Wikivoyage in lingua italiana! Stiamo realizzando un'attendibile guida turistica mondiale libera e aggiornabile. Aiutaci anche tu! Se hai appena conosciuto Wikivoyage e non sai come funziona e in che modo puoi aiutarci, poni le tue domande nella Lounge, il punto d'incontro dei wikiviaggiatori, oppure consulta le nostre pagine di aiuto. Potrai trovare risposte ai tuoi dubbi anche nelle pagine delle domande frequenti e dei consigli per i nuovi arrivati. Ricordati soprattutto che è vietato copiare testi protetti da copyright. Il nostro obiettivo non è proporre contenuti copiati da altri siti, ma scrivere una nuova guida turistica di nostro pugno.![]()
[modifica]Inkey, thanks a lot for adding banner to all those pages that were in need of it! I've also appreciated your contribution on improving some articles with better ones. Hope to see you more often ;-) --Andyrom75 (discussioni) 17:17, 5 ott 2013 (CEST)
- Feel free tu subscribe yourself to this expedition and to check here which are the articles in need of a banner. PS To update the page, just purge it through the relevant wiki option. --Andyrom75 (discussioni) 18:11, 5 ott 2013 (CEST)
- No problem. Is it possible to have template on Barcelona Districts like Ciutat Vella ? There are some nice banners that could be imported from en.wikivoyage . Inkey (discussioni) 18:55, 5 ott 2013 (CEST)
- Sure. Currently they have no Quickbar because there's a cleaning activity in progress (one of the most :)), because we have decided to remove the "slash" in each article title (tipically districts). It's an old "non-sense" wikitravel rule. I don't know exactly which are the articles where you wanna put the banner, so I've just added the Qb on Ciutat Vella. Now have two options:
- you list me the article where you want me to put the Qb, and I'll do it (hopefully quickly :-P)
- you insert directly the Qb in those article usine the prvious one as a template. If you miss any information, please put back the comment that you can find here
- Let me know how you would prefer to proceed. --Andyrom75 (discussioni) 19:21, 5 ott 2013 (CEST)
- It's a bit complicated for me to insert the Qb, i already know the french syntax so and it's a bit difficult for me to know the two syntax. So, i prefer to list you the article where a banner could be added : Eixample , Les Corts with this pagebanner and also Centro di Melbourne . That's all for the moment. Inkey (discussioni) 19:40, 5 ott 2013 (CEST)
- No problem. Just give me few minutes and I'll do it. --Andyrom75 (discussioni) 19:54, 5 ott 2013 (CEST)
Fatto Let me know if I can help you (to help us :-P) further. --Andyrom75 (discussioni) 20:11, 5 ott 2013 (CEST)
- No problem. Just give me few minutes and I'll do it. --Andyrom75 (discussioni) 19:54, 5 ott 2013 (CEST)
- It's a bit complicated for me to insert the Qb, i already know the french syntax so and it's a bit difficult for me to know the two syntax. So, i prefer to list you the article where a banner could be added : Eixample , Les Corts with this pagebanner and also Centro di Melbourne . That's all for the moment. Inkey (discussioni) 19:40, 5 ott 2013 (CEST)
- Sure. Currently they have no Quickbar because there's a cleaning activity in progress (one of the most :)), because we have decided to remove the "slash" in each article title (tipically districts). It's an old "non-sense" wikitravel rule. I don't know exactly which are the articles where you wanna put the banner, so I've just added the Qb on Ciutat Vella. Now have two options:
- No problem. Is it possible to have template on Barcelona Districts like Ciutat Vella ? There are some nice banners that could be imported from en.wikivoyage . Inkey (discussioni) 18:55, 5 ott 2013 (CEST)
Image upload
[modifica]Hi Inkey,
I've got a question from Massimo Telò and maybe you can help me to give an answer to him. He was trying to upload this image through a tool called Derivative FX (I don't know if you know it & use it). As per my understanding this tool is quite helpful to him because it manage a lot of stuff automatically, checking license too. Unfortunately this time Massimo has an issue with it, because, although this image is in commons, it says that can't proceed because it doesn't have a public domain license. Any idea? --Andyrom75 (discussioni) 21:50, 9 ott 2013 (CEST)
- It's right, Derivate FX seems to doesn't like some type of licence. It's an usefull system but it's was painfull to use. I've got bigs problems recently to upload with it (he simply doesn't transfert data to commons… ),so , now i upload with the new commons uploader and i use Derivate FX to copy/paste the description …
- To answers to yours question, i already have recently the same problem with File:Kume-jima(Hateno-Hama%20beaches)%20banner.jpg, so i do the modification manually :copy-paste from source and add my name and source.
- I don't have a better solution.I hope just that the new uploader will support soonly derivate files. Inkey (discussioni) 21:26, 11 ott 2013 (CEST)
- Thanks a lot for your feedback. --Andyrom75 (discussioni) 22:39, 11 ott 2013 (CEST)
Wikidata banner
[modifica]I'll add it soon, although I'm not a fan of storing imaged on wikidata because they are subject to personal taste. --Andyrom75 (discussioni) 03:14, 4 nov 2013 (CET)