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Discussioni utente:Krinkle

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Ultimo commento: 4 anni fa, lasciato da Krinkle in merito all'argomento Page loading time


Ciao Krinkle!

Benvenuta/o su Wikivoyage in lingua italiana! Stiamo realizzando un'attendibile guida turistica mondiale libera e aggiornabile. Aiutaci anche tu! Se hai appena conosciuto Wikivoyage e non sai come funziona e in che modo puoi aiutarci, poni le tue domande nella Lounge, il punto d'incontro dei wikiviaggiatori, oppure consulta le nostre pagine di aiuto.

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--Andyrom75 (discussioni) 14:27, 28 ott 2019 (CET)Rispondi

Page loading time

Hi Krinkle, sorry for bothering you. Would you mind to check the overall performance of the it.wikivoyage page? The loading time is definitely higher than en.wikivoyage or it.wikipedia and I don't know which improvement I should apply in the pages that I can affect as an admin (e.g. commons, gadgets, etc.). Also any change server side that you can apply would be appreciated. Please let me know, --Andyrom75 (discussioni) 19:19, 16 mar 2020 (CET)Rispondi

@Andyrom75: Hi. I have made a number of improvements to the JavaScript cost and performance. There is one more thing I recommend that you do, which is to change MediaWiki:Common.css. Right now it imports many pages on the browser side (not server-side). This is relatively slow and inefficient. I recommend to combine the CSS pages into MediaWiki:Common.css for better performance. The MediaWiki:Common.css page gets automatically optimized (and gadget JS too), but the other CSS pages cannot be optimized. --Krinkle (discussioni) 19:35, 19 mar 2020 (CET)Rispondi
Are you referring to the various "@import url"? In the affirmative case, there's a way to keep the code in separate file to improve the maintainance or I'm force to integrate the whole code inside common.css? --Andyrom75 (discussioni) 00:16, 20 mar 2020 (CET)Rispondi
@Andyrom75: Yes. For a gadget, the multiple files listed at MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition are combined and optimised together on the server. The @import syntax in CSS is an instruction for the web browser, not for MediaWiki. This instruction does one-by-one and separate unoptimized requests for each extra CSS wiki page. I would recommend never to use that!
I understand keeping it all in one big file is not nice. There is another way: Create a gadget is "default", and "hidden" and "styles-only". That is basically the same as Common.css but with the extra ability that you can separate the files in a way that does not cause slow page loading.
I have converted MediaWiki:Common.css for you as first step. As next steps, I recommend moving the other pages also to a Gadget-sitestyles-*.css title, then remove the @import rule, and instead add the title to sitestyles gadget in MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition. --Krinkle (discussioni) 00:02, 26 mar 2020 (CET)Rispondi

99th listing patch

I've read your comment on MediaWiki:Common.js, but I'm not sure to have understood how I should fix the numbering in a page like Tematica:Parchi_nazionali_in_Africa. Could you advise? --Andyrom75 (discussioni) 00:53, 20 mar 2020 (CET)Rispondi