Locorotondo is a small town situated in southern Italy, in Apulian Region.
[modifica]Locorotondo was created under the will of Godfrey I, Count of Conversano, who around 1100 wanted to join some churches and several houses to Santo Stefano abbey of Monopoli including St. George s. The first human settlements are dated to the time of Norman conqueros.
[modifica]- -The 17th edition of Locus Festival takes place in this city, classified as one of “Borghi più belli d’Italia”. During locul festival concerts alternate with meetings with writers, music critics, and journalists.
- -Feast of San Giorgio Martire (gift cerimony) in april and San Rocco in august .
- -The Pyrotechnic Festival: on the night between the sixteenth and seventeenth of August, the fireworks competition takes place. La VAlle d'Itria is the background of this race