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- metà e la fine dell'XI secolo, dagli Hammadids durante il regno del sovrano An-Nasir. Come suggerisce il nome, era l'ingresso marittimo. Infatti, passando...38 KB (4 203 parole) - 13:33, 28 ott 2024
- Standard Average European (SAE) è un concetto introdotto dal linguista statunitense Benjamin Lee Whorf negli anni quaranta del XX secolo, nel suo volume
- 258) I am no expert in this matter but my own impression is that the average writer in Hindi or Urdu does not seek to take advantage of even the existing
- seen against a background of bright cloud can be discerned at an amazing distance. For average normal sight, the wire need only subtend a breadth of a second
- mean, average half an hour: son las cinco y media = it’s 5:30. media f, medio m half: media hora = half an hour. middle, mid, in the middle of average, mean
- few Americans have a chance of seeing. Believe me, my dear fellow, the average American can get into the kingdom of heaven much more easily than he can
- allow quick searches for information, and it is just an extension of Garzantine [a popular Italian series of compact encyclopedias], period. The other